7 Easy-to-Implement Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

Reading Time: 24 minutes

Bed bugs are small, blood-sucking insects that can infest your home and cause a lot of discomfort and stress. They can hide in mattresses, furniture, cracks, and crevices, and come out at night to feed on your blood. Bed bug bites can cause itching, swelling, redness, and allergic reactions. Moreover, bed bugs can be very difficult to get rid of, as they can survive for months without feeding and resist many conventional pesticides.

If you are facing a bed bug problem, you might be wondering what you can do to eliminate these pests from your home. While there are professional extermination services available, they can be quite expensive and expose you to harmful chemicals. Fortunately, there are also some effective home remedies that you can try to treat bed bug infestations. These remedies are cheaper, safer, and more eco-friendly than commercial products. In this article, we will discuss some of the common home remedies for bed bugs, how to use them safely, and how to prevent future infestations.

Understanding Bed Bugs for Home Remedies

Before we dive into home remedies, let us first understand what bed bugs are, how they behave, and why they are a common household problem. Bed bugs are wingless insects that belong to the family Cimicidae. They have flat, oval-shaped bodies that are brown or reddish in color. They are about the size of an apple seed but can swell up after feeding.

Bed bugs feed exclusively on the blood of warm-blooded animals, including humans. They usually feed at night when their hosts are asleep, but can also be active during the day in dark places. They use their piercing mouthparts to inject saliva that contains anesthetic and anticoagulant substances into the skin of their victims. This prevents the host from feeling the bite and allows the bed bug to suck blood for several minutes.

Bed bugs are highly adaptable and can live in various environments. They prefer warm and humid places, such as bedrooms, hotels, hostels, dormitories, and shelters. They can travel from one place to another by hitchhiking on luggage, clothing, furniture, or other items. They can also spread through pipes, wires, or vents.

One of the main challenges of bed bug eradication is that they are very resilient and hard to detect. Bed bugs can survive for up to a year without feeding, depending on the temperature and humidity. They can also withstand extreme temperatures ranging from -18°C to 45°C. Moreover, they can hide in tiny cracks and crevices that are difficult to reach or see. They only come out when they sense carbon dioxide or heat from their hosts.

To confirm the presence of bed bugs in your home, you need to look for some signs such as:

  • Live or dead bed bugs in your bedding, furniture, or walls
  • Dark spots or stains on your sheets or mattress that indicate bed bug feces
  • Blood spots on your sheets or pillowcases that result from crushed bed bugs
  • Shed skins or eggs of bed bugs in your sleeping area
  • A musty odor that emanates from bed bug glands
  • Itchy red bumps or welts on your skin that are caused by bed bug bites

If you notice any of these signs, you should act quickly to get rid of the bed bugs before they multiply and spread.

Why Choose Home Remedies?

reason for using home remedies

There are many reasons why you might want to choose home remedies for treating bed bug infestations over professional extermination services or commercial products. Some of the advantages of using home remedies are:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Home remedies are usually cheaper than hiring an exterminator or buying expensive pesticides. You might already have some of the ingredients or materials needed for home remedies in your kitchen or pantry.
  • Safety: Home remedies are generally safer than chemical pesticides that can pose health risks to you, your family members, your pets, and the environment. Some pesticides can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, neurological damage, or cancer. Home remedies use natural or organic substances that are less toxic and more biodegradable.
  • Efficacy: Home remedies can be effective in killing or repelling bed bugs if used correctly and consistently. Some home remedies work by dehydrating, suffocating, burning, or poisoning bed bugs. Others work by disrupting their life cycle or deterring them with unpleasant smells or tastes.

However, home remedies also have some limitations that you should be aware of:

  • Time-consuming: Home remedies might require more time and effort than professional services or commercial products. You might need to prepare the remedies yourself, apply them repeatedly, monitor their results, and clean up after them.
  • Inconsistent: Home remedies might not work for everyone or every situation. The effectiveness of home remedies might depend on various factors such as the type and severity of the infestation, the quality and quantity of the remedy, the method and frequency of application, and the resistance of the bed bugs.
  • Incomplete: Home remedies might not be enough to completely eradicate bed bugs from your home. You might need to combine home remedies with other methods such as mechanical removal, heat treatment, or professional assistance.

Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of using home remedies for bed bugs and decide whether they are suitable for your needs and preferences.

Common Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

get rid of bed bugs home remedies

There are many home remedies that you can try to treat bed bug infestations. Here are some of the most common ones:

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a fine powder made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of algae. DE has sharp edges that can cut through the exoskeleton of bed bugs and cause them to lose moisture and die. DE also absorbs the oils and fats from the bed bugs’ bodies and dehydrates them further.

To use DE as a home remedy for bed bugs, you need to:

  • Buy food-grade DE from a garden center or online store. Do not use pool-grade DE as it is chemically treated and can be harmful to your health.
  • Sprinkle a thin layer of DE on the areas where you suspect bed bugs are hiding, such as your mattress, box spring, bed frame, furniture, carpets, baseboards, or cracks. You can use a brush or a duster to spread the DE evenly.
  • Leave the DE for at least 24 hours or longer to allow it to kill the bed bugs. You might need to reapply the DE every few days until you see no signs of bed bugs.
  • Vacuum up the DE and dispose of it in a sealed bag. You should also wash your bedding and clothing in hot water and dry them on high heat to kill any remaining bed bugs or eggs.

Some precautions that you should take when using DE are:

  • Wear a mask, gloves, and goggles when handling DE as it can irritate your eyes, skin, and lungs. Avoid inhaling or ingesting DE as it can cause respiratory or digestive problems.
  • Keep children and pets away from the areas where you apply DE as it can be harmful if swallowed or inhaled.
  • Do not apply DE on wet surfaces as it can lose its effectiveness when moistened.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another common household item that can help you get rid of bed bugs. Baking soda is alkaline and can disrupt the protective layer of bed bugs’ skin. This makes them vulnerable to dehydration and infection.

To use baking soda as a home remedy for bed bugs, you need to:

  • Buy pure baking soda from a grocery store or online shop. Do not use baking powder as it contains other ingredients that might reduce its effectiveness.
  • Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the areas where you think bed bugs are hiding, such as your mattress, furniture, carpets, or cracks. You can use a sifter or a shaker to distribute the baking soda evenly.
  • Leave the baking soda for at least 24 hours or longer to allow it to affect the bed bugs. You might need to reapply the baking soda every few days until you see no signs of bed bugs.
  • Vacuum up the baking soda and dispose of it in a sealed bag. You should also wash your bedding and clothing in hot water and dry them on high heat to kill any remaining bed bugs or eggs.

Some precautions that you should take when using baking soda are:

  • Wear a mask, gloves, and goggles when handling baking soda as it can irritate your eyes, skin, and lungs. Avoid inhaling or ingesting baking soda as it can cause respiratory or digestive problems.
  • Keep children and pets away from the areas where you apply baking soda as it can be harmful if swallowed or inhaled.
  • Do not apply baking soda on wet surfaces as it can lose its effectiveness when moistened.

Essential Oils

Peppermint Essential Oil

Essential oils are concentrated extracts from plants that have various properties and benefits. Some essential oils have insecticidal or repellent effects on bed bugs. These include lavender, tea tree, neem, peppermint, eucalyptus, clove, lemongrass, thyme, rosemary, and cinnamon.

To use essential oils as a home remedy for bed bugs, you need to:

  • Buy pure essential oils from a health store or online vendor. Do not use synthetic or diluted oils as they might not work as well or cause adverse reactions.
  • Mix 10 to 15 drops of your chosen essential oil with one cup of water in a spray bottle. You can also add some alcohol or vinegar to increase the potency of the solution.
  • Spray the solution on the areas where you suspect bed bugs are hiding, such as your mattress, pillows, sheets, curtains, furniture, carpets, or cracks. You can also spray the solution on your skin or clothing before going to bed to repel bed bugs. You might need to reapply the solution every few days until you see no signs of bed bugs.
  • Alternatively, you can soak some cotton balls or cloth strips in your chosen essential oil and place them in the areas where you think bed bugs are hiding. You can also add some essential oil drops to your laundry detergent or dryer sheets to kill or repel bed bugs.

Some precautions that you should take when using essential oils are:

  • Perform a patch test on your skin before using any essential oil to check for any allergic reactions. If you experience any itching, burning, or rash, stop using the oil immediately and wash the affected area with water.
  • Dilute the essential oils with water or a carrier oil such as olive, coconut, or almond oil before applying them on your skin or clothing. Undiluted oils can cause skin irritation, burns, or stains.
  • Keep essential oils away from your eyes, nose, mouth, and ears as they can cause inflammation or damage. If you accidentally get any oil in these areas, flush them with water or seek medical attention.
  • Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets as they can be toxic if ingested or inhaled.

Vacuuming and Steam Cleaning

vacuuming couch

Vacuuming and steam cleaning are two mechanical methods that can help you control bed bug infestations. Vacuuming can suck up live or dead bed bugs, eggs, skins, and feces from your mattress, furniture, carpets, or cracks. Steam cleaning can kill bed bugs and eggs by exposing them to high temperatures and moisture.

To use vacuuming and steam cleaning as home remedies for bed bugs, you need to:

  • Buy a powerful vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool attachment and a steam cleaner with a nozzle attachment from a hardware store or online retailer. You can also rent these devices from some local shops.
  • Vacuum all the areas where you suspect bed bugs are hiding, such as your mattress, box spring, bed frame, furniture, carpets, baseboards, or cracks. Pay special attention to the seams, edges, corners, and folds where bed bugs like to hide. You should vacuum at least once a week until you see no signs of bed bugs.
  • Dispose of the vacuum bag or contents in a sealed bag and throw it away in an outdoor trash bin. You should also clean the vacuum filter and attachments with hot water and soap after each use.
  • Steam clean all the areas where you vacuumed, using the nozzle attachment to direct the steam into the cracks and crevices where bed bugs might be hiding. The steam temperature should be at least 60°C to kill bed bugs and eggs. You should steam clean at least once a month until you see no signs of bed bugs.
  • Allow the areas to dry completely before putting back your bedding or clothing. You should also wash your bedding and clothing in hot water and dry them on high heat to kill any remaining bed bugs or eggs.

Some precautions that you should take when using vacuuming and steam cleaning are:

  • Wear protective gloves and goggles when handling the vacuum cleaner and steam cleaner as they can be hot and dangerous. Avoid touching the nozzle or the steam as they can cause burns or scalds.
  • Keep children and pets away from the areas where you are vacuuming or steam cleaning as they can be harmed by the noise, heat, or moisture.
  • Do not over-wet the areas where you are steam cleaning as this can cause mold or mildew growth. Use a fan or dehumidifier to speed up the drying process.
  • Do not use vacuuming or steam cleaning on electrical outlets, switches, wires, or appliances as this can cause fire or electrocution hazards.

Laundering and Heat Treatment

BedBug Heat Treatment

Laundering and heat treatment are two simple but effective ways to kill bed bugs and eggs by exposing them to high temperatures. Bed bugs and eggs cannot survive temperatures above 50°C for more than 10 minutes.

To use laundering and heat treatment as home remedies for bed bugs, you need to:

  • Wash all your bedding, clothing, curtains, towels, stuffed animals, or other items that might be infested with bed bugs in hot water (at least 60°C) for at least 30 minutes. You can also add some bleach or vinegar to the water to increase the killing effect.
  • Dry all your washed items on high heat (at least 40°C) for at least 30 minutes. You can also use a dryer sheet with some essential oil drops to repel bed bugs.
  • Seal all your laundered items in plastic bags until you are ready to use them again. This will prevent any re-infestation from occurring.
  • Alternatively, you can use other methods of heat treatment to kill bed bugs and eggs on items that cannot be washed or dried. These include:
    • Using a hair dryer to blow hot air on the items for at least 30 minutes
    • Use an iron to press the items on high heat for at least 10 minutes
    • Using a microwave oven to heat the items on high power for at least 5 minutes
    • Using a portable heater to raise the temperature of the room or the items to at least 50°C for at least 2 hours

Some precautions that you should take when using laundering and heat treatment are:

  • Check the labels of your items before washing, drying, or heating them as some materials might be damaged or destroyed by high temperatures. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and warnings carefully.
  • Wear protective gloves and goggles when handling hot items as they can cause burns or injuries. Avoid touching the items directly until they cool down.
  • Keep children and pets away from the areas where you are laundering or heating your items as they can be harmed by the heat or the steam.
  • Do not use laundering or heat treatment on flammable, explosive, or metal items as this can cause fire or explosion hazards.

Silica Gel

bed bugs Silica Gel

Silica gel is a desiccant that can absorb moisture and dry out bed bugs and eggs. Silica gel is commonly found in small packets that are used to keep products dry and fresh. You can also buy silica gel in bulk from a craft store or online shop.

To use silica gel as a home remedy for bed bugs, you need to:

  • Grind some silica gel packets or beads into a fine powder using a blender, coffee grinder, or mortar and pestle. You can also buy ready-made silica gel powder from a garden center or online store.
  • Sprinkle the silica gel powder on the areas where you suspect bed bugs are hiding, such as your mattress, furniture, carpets, or cracks. You can use a brush or a duster to spread the powder evenly.
  • Leave the silica gel powder for at least 24 hours or longer to allow it to dehydrate and kill the bed bugs and eggs. You might need to reapply the powder every few days until you see no signs of bed bugs.
  • Vacuum up the silica gel powder and dispose of it in a sealed bag. You should also wash your bedding and clothing in hot water and dry them on high heat to kill any remaining bed bugs or eggs.

Some precautions that you should take when using silica gel are:

  • Wear a mask, gloves, and goggles when handling silica gel as it can irritate your eyes, skin, and lungs. Avoid inhaling or ingesting silica gel as it can cause respiratory or digestive problems.
  • Keep children and pets away from the areas where you apply silica gel as it can be harmful if swallowed or inhaled.
  • Do not apply silica gel on wet surfaces as it can lose its effectiveness when moistened.

Double-Sided Tape

bed bugs Double-Sided Tape

Double-sided tape is a sticky material that can trap bed bugs and limit their movement. Double-sided tape is widely available in hardware stores, office supplies stores, or online shops.

To use double-sided tape as a home remedy for bed bugs, you need to:

  • Buy some double-sided tape that is wide enough to cover the areas where you want to trap bed bugs. You can also use carpet tape or duct tape as alternatives.
  • Apply the double-sided tape on the areas where you think bed bugs are hiding or traveling, such as your mattress, box spring, bed frame, furniture legs, walls, or floor. You can also wrap the tape around your bed legs to create a barrier that prevents bed bugs from climbing up.
  • Check the tape regularly and replace it when it becomes full of trapped bed bugs. You should also dispose of the used tape in a sealed bag and throw it away in an outdoor trash bin.

Some precautions that you should take when using double-sided tape are:

  • Wear gloves when handling the tape as it can be sticky and messy. Avoid touching the tape directly as it can trap your fingers or hair.
  • Keep children and pets away from the areas where you apply tape as they can get stuck or injured by the tape.
  • Do not apply tape on painted, varnished, or delicate surfaces as it can damage or remove them.

Preparing Your Home for Treatment

Preparing Your Home for bed bugs Treatment

Before you start applying any home remedies for bed bugs, you need to prepare your home for treatment. This will help you increase the effectiveness of the remedies and reduce the chances of re-infestation. Here are some steps that you should take before implementing home remedies for bed bugs:

  • Clean and declutter your home thoroughly. Remove any unnecessary items that might provide hiding spots for bed bugs, such as books, magazines, papers, boxes, bags, toys, etc. Dispose of any infested items that cannot be salvaged in a sealed bag and throw them away in an outdoor trash bin.
  • Isolate any infested items that can be treated with home remedies in plastic bags until you are ready to treat them. This will prevent any further spread of bed bugs to other areas of your home.
  • Vacuum your entire home carefully, especially your sleeping area and furniture. Use a crevice tool attachment to reach into any cracks and crevices where bed bugs might be hiding. Dispose of the vacuum bag or contents in a sealed bag and throw it away in an outdoor trash bin. You should also clean the vacuum filter and attachments with hot water and soap after each use.
  • Wash and dry all your bedding, clothing, curtains, towels, stuffed animals, or other items that might be infested with bed bugs in hot water and high heat. Seal all your laundered items in plastic bags until you are ready to use them again. This will kill any bed bugs or eggs that might be on your items.
  • Move your bed away from the walls and furniture. Tuck in your sheets and blankets so that they do not touch the floor. This will prevent bed bugs from climbing up to your bed from other areas.
  • Cover your mattress, box spring, and pillows with zippered encasements that are designed to trap and kill bed bugs. These encasements are available in hardware stores, online shops, or pest control companies. You should leave the encasements on for at least a year to ensure that all the bed bugs and eggs inside are dead.
  • Repair any cracks, holes, or gaps in your walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, or furniture. Use caulk, sealant, tape, or glue to fill in any openings that might allow bed bugs to enter or escape.
  • Dispose of any trash or debris in your home in a sealed bag and throw it away in an outdoor trash bin. This will reduce the clutter and food sources for bed bugs.

By following these steps, you will make your home ready for treatment with home remedies for bed bugs. You will also make it easier for yourself to monitor the progress and effectiveness of the remedies.

Applying Home Remedies Safely

Applying bed bugs Home Remedies

When you apply any home remedies for bed bugs, you need to do it safely and correctly. This will help you avoid any potential risks or complications that might arise from using the remedies. Here are some general safety guidelines for applying home remedies for bed bugs:

  • Read and follow the instructions and warnings of any products or materials that you use as home remedies. Check the labels, expiration dates, and ingredients of the products or materials before using them.
  • Wear appropriate protective gear when handling or applying any home remedies. This might include gloves, goggles, masks, aprons, or suits. This will protect you from any irritation, injury, or infection that might be caused by the remedies.
  • Keep children and pets away from the areas where you apply home remedies. Some home remedies might be harmful or toxic to them if swallowed or inhaled. You should also store the home remedies in a safe and secure place where they cannot access them.
  • Test a small amount of any home remedy on a hidden or inconspicuous area before applying it on a larger scale. This will help you check for any adverse reactions or damages that might be caused by the remedy.
  • Apply the home remedies in a well-ventilated area. Some home remedies might emit fumes or odors that can be unpleasant or harmful to breathe. You should also avoid smoking or using open flames near the areas where you apply home remedies as this can cause fire hazards.
  • Do not overuse or misuse any home remedy. Using too much or too little of a home remedy might reduce its effectiveness or cause unwanted side effects. You should also follow the recommended frequency and duration of application for each home remedy.
  • Seek medical attention if you experience any severe or persistent symptoms after using any home remedy. These might include rash, swelling, itching, burning, pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, difficulty breathing, or fever. You might have an allergic reaction or an infection from using the home remedy.

By following these safety guidelines, you will be able to apply home remedies for bed bugs without putting yourself or others at risk.

Combining Remedies for Better Results

One way to enhance the effectiveness of home remedies for bed bugs is to combine them with other methods or remedies. This can create a synergistic effect that can kill or repel more bed bugs than using a single method or remedy alone.

Here are some examples of how you can combine home remedies for bed bugs:

  • Combine diatomaceous earth with baking soda to create a more potent powder that can dehydrate and damage bed bugs more effectively.
  • Combine essential oils with vinegar to create a more acidic solution that can disrupt and dissolve bed bugs’ protective layer more efficiently.
  • Combine vacuuming with steam cleaning to remove and kill more bed bugs and eggs from your mattress, furniture, carpets, or cracks more thoroughly.
  • Combine laundering with heat treatment to expose more bed bugs and eggs to high temperatures that can kill them more quickly.
  • Combine silica gel with double-sided tape to create a more sticky and dry trap that can capture and dehydrate more bed bugs more easily.

You can experiment with different combinations of home remedies for bed bugs and see what works best for you. However, you should also be careful not to mix incompatible or dangerous substances that might cause harm to you or your home.

Preventing Future Infestations

Preventing Future Bed Bugs Infestations

After you have successfully treated your home with home remedies for bed bugs, you need to prevent any future infestations from occurring. This will help you maintain a comfortable and pest-free home. Here are some tips for preventing future bed bug infestations:

  • Inspect your home regularly for any signs of bed bugs, such as live or dead bed bugs, eggs, skins, feces, blood spots, or bites. You can use a flashlight, a magnifying glass, or sticky tape to help you detect any bed bugs or their traces.
  • Keep your home clean and tidy. Vacuum and dust your home frequently, especially your sleeping area and furniture. Wash and dry your bedding, clothing, curtains, towels, stuffed animals, or other items in hot water and high heat regularly. Dispose of any trash or clutter in your home in a sealed bag and throw it away in an outdoor trash bin.
  • Avoid bringing any infested items into your home. When you travel, inspect your luggage, clothing, and personal items for any bed bugs or eggs before entering your home. You can also use a portable heater to heat your items to at least 50°C for at least 2 hours to kill any bed bugs or eggs that might be on them.
  • Seal any cracks, holes, or gaps in your walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, or furniture. Use caulk, sealant, tape, or glue to fill in any openings that might allow bed bugs to enter or escape.
  • Use bed bug-proof encasements for your mattress, box spring, and pillows. These encasements are designed to trap and kill bed bugs that might be inside or outside of them. You should leave the encasements on for at least a year to ensure that all the bed bugs and eggs inside are dead.
  • Use bed bug interceptors for your bed legs. These are devices that can trap and prevent bed bugs from climbing up or down your bed legs. You can buy them from hardware stores, online shops, or pest control companies. You should check and clean them regularly to remove any trapped bed bugs.
  • Use repellents for your skin or clothing. You can use essential oils, dryer sheets, or commercial products that can repel bed bugs with their smell or taste. You can apply them to your skin or clothing before going to bed to deter bed bugs from biting you.

By following these tips, you will be able to prevent future bed bug infestations from happening in your home.


Bed bugs are annoying and troublesome pests that can infest your home and cause a lot of discomfort and stress. They can be hard to get rid of as they can survive for long periods without feeding and resist many conventional pesticides.

However, there are also some effective home remedies that you can use to treat bed bug infestations. These remedies are cheaper, safer, and more eco-friendly than professional extermination services or commercial products. They can kill or repel bed bugs by using natural or organic substances that are less toxic and more biodegradable.

In this article, we have discussed some of the common home remedies for bed bugs, how to use them safely, and how to prevent future infestations. We hope that this article has helped you learn more about the advantages of using home remedies for bed bugs and encouraged you to try them out.

Remember that a comfortable and pest-free home is essential for your health and well-being. By using home remedies for bed bugs, you can achieve this goal without spending too much money or exposing yourself to harmful chemicals.

We wish you all the best in your fight against bed bugs!