Can Bed Bugs Cause Scabies? Identification & Bites Difference

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Bed bugs are small, brownish, flattened insects that feed solely on the blood of animals. While they are a nuisance, they are not thought to transmit diseases. However, some people may experience allergic reactions to their bites.

Bed bug bites can cause skin irritation and swell as well. But can bed bugs cause scabies? Keep reading to find all your answers.

Can Bed Bugs Cause Scabies

Can Bed Bugs Cause Scabies?

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding scabies, and one of the most common is that bed bugs can cause scabies. This is simply not true. While bed bugs can cause a host of other problems, they are not known to transmit or cause scabies.

Scabies is caused by a tiny mite burrowing into the skin and causing severe itching. The mite can be passed from person to person through close contact, and it is most commonly found in crowded living situations, such as nursing homes or shelters.

If you think you have scabies, it’s important to see a doctor for treatment.

What’s The Difference Between Bed Bugs And Scabies?

Bed bugs are small, flat parasites that live in the blood of warm-blooded animals. They are reddish-brown and can be identified by their characteristic bite marks.

Bed bugs spread disease by transferring saliva-containing bacteria to human skin while they’re feeding. They are mostly found in beds, mattresses, sofas, and other warm places

Scabies is a skin condition caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. The eggs hatch and the mites travel around the body, causing intense itching. Scabies can lead to serious health problems like skin infections if left untreated.

This mite lives beneath the surface of the skin and causes intense itching and inflammation. Scabies is most common in people who have dry, sensitive skin or who wear tight clothes often. It’s also more common in children than it is in adults.

So, how do you know if you have bed bugs or scabies? If you have small, red bumps on your skin that itches intensely, it’s likely you have scabies. These bumps are usually found in clusters on the hands, feet, elbows, or other areas where the mites can easily burrow into the skin.

Check out the picture below for more clear visual clarification.

If you think you might have scabies, it’s important to see a doctor right away, so you can start treatment. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help relieve the itching:

  • Take a cool bath or shower
  • Use an anti-itch cream or lotion
  • Wear loose-fitting

Difference Between Bed Bug Bites and Scabies Bites?

Bed BugsScabies
If you notice small, red bumps on your skin that seem to be in a line or cluster, it could be bed bugs.

Bed bug bites are often itchier than scabies bites, and they may appear in groups of three or more.
If you have a rash that is accompanied by intense itching, burrows in your skin, or sores filled with pus, it’s likely scabies.
Check below the bed bugs bite picture for more clear understanding.Check below the scabies bite picture.

Pictures of bed bugs bites

bed bugs bites

Pictures of scabies bites

scabies bite

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs and Scabies Infestations

If you have bed bugs or scabies, you’re probably wondering how to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, getting rid of these pests can be difficult and time-consuming. However, there are some things you can do to speed up the process.

The first step is to identify the source of the infestation. If you have bed bugs, they’re likely coming from your bedding or furniture.

Scabies, on the other hand, is usually spread through contact with an infected person. Once you’ve identified the source, you can start taking steps to get rid of the pests.

If you have bed bugs, the best way to get rid of them is to call a professional bed bug exterminator. They will be able to treat your home and eliminate pests quickly and effectively.

If you have scabies, you’ll need to fumigate your area as well as see a doctor for treatment. The doctor will prescribe a cream or lotion that you’ll need to apply to your skin.

Getting rid of bed bugs or scabies can be challenging, but it’s important to do what you can to eliminate these pests from your home. By taking some simple steps and being patient, you can get rid of these unwanted guests for good

Don’t let bed bugs disrupt your life any longer. Take charge of the situation with these highly effective bed bug killer sprays. Specifically crafted to tackle even the toughest infestations, these top-rated sprays provide a powerful defense against bed bugs. Reclaim your comfort, preserve your belongings, and restore the tranquility of your home. Explore the best bed bug killer sprays available and bid farewell to bed bugs once and for all!


There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that bed bugs can cause scabies. However, some people may be allergic to bed bug bites, which can lead to itching and irritation. If you experience any of these symptoms after being bitten by a bed bug, it’s important to see a doctor, so they can rule out other potential causes.

While bed bugs have not been known to cause scabies, they can certainly aggravate the condition. If you already have scabies, it is best to avoid any contact with bed bugs. Because it will make the condition worse.

If you think you may have come into contact with bed bugs, be sure to wash your clothes and bedding thoroughly. You should also consult a doctor to get treated for scabies as soon as possible.


  • Are bed bugs and scabies related?

    What distinctions exist between bed bugs and scabies? Itching and other skin problems are caused by parasitic insects like scabies and bed bugs.

    Close to where people sleep, gloomy spaces are home to bed bugs. In contrast to bed bugs, which only emerge to eat, scabies mites reside and reproduce inside the skin.

  • How do I know if I have bed bugs or scabies?

    Bed bug bites often appear as raised, flat, red welts in groups of three. Scabies bites resemble a rash more than other types of bites.

    Scabies burrows resemble elevated, grayish-white lines. The itching of scabies is brought on by scabies mites that burrow under the skin to deposit their eggs. 

  • What bug gives you scabies?

    Scabies: what is it? The Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis mite is the source of the skin disorder known as scabies.

    These tiny insects create tunnels (burrows) under your skin, resulting in tiny red pimples and excruciating itching. Scabies is very contagious, especially when people live near one another.