Difference Between Pest Control and Exterminator, Pest Terms

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Pests are unwanted creatures that can invade your home or property and cause various problems, such as damage, disease, or annoyance. If you have a pest infestation, you may be wondering whether you should hire a pest control company or an exterminator to deal with it.

While both professionals have the same goal of removing pests, they have different methods and approaches that may affect the outcome and the cost of the service. In this article, we will explain the main differences between pest control and exterminator, and help you decide which one is best for your situation.

Difference Between Pest Control and Exterminator

What is the Difference Between Pest Control and Exterminator

When most people think of pests, they think of insects like cockroaches, ants, and flies. But there are many different types of pests, including rodents like rats and mice, and even birds and bats.

Pest ControlExterminator
Pest control is the process of preventing and managing pests. There are many different methods of pest control, including traps, poison baits, and chemicals.An exterminator is someone who specializes in getting rid of pests. Exterminators typically use pesticides to kill pests, but they may also use other methods, such as fumigation.
Pest control is usually a long-term process.While extermination is usually a one-time event.
Pest control is important for both homes and businesses. Pests can cause property damage, contaminate food, transmit diseases, and bite or sting people. Some pests can also be dangerous to animals.Extermination is often necessary when an infestation is severe, but it’s important to remember that it’s only a temporary solution. To prevent future infestations, it’s important to address the underlying problems that are attracting pests to the property in the first place.

What is Pest Control?

Pest control is a process of managing and preventing pests using various techniques, such as inspection, identification, treatment, and prevention. Pest control professionals (PCPs) are trained and licensed to handle different types of pests, such as insects, rodents, birds, wildlife, etc. PCPs use integrated pest management (IPM) principles.

Which aims to reduce the use of pesticides and chemicals and focus on the root causes of pest problems. PCPs also provide education and advice to customers on how to prevent future infestations.

Some of the benefits of pest control are:

  • It is more environmentally friendly and safer for humans and pets, as it uses less toxic or natural products.
  • It is more effective and long-lasting, as it addresses the source of the infestation and prevents recurrence.
  • It is more comprehensive and customized, as it considers the specific type and level of infestation, the customer’s needs and preferences, and the property’s characteristics.

Some of the drawbacks of pest control are:

  • It may be more expensive than extermination, as it requires more time, labor, and equipment.
  • It may not work for severe or urgent infestations, as it may take longer to see results.
  • It may require more cooperation and participation from the customer, such as following instructions, making changes, or signing a contract.

What is Extermination?

Extermination is the process of killing and eliminating pests using chemicals, pesticides, or other methods. Exterminators are also trained and licensed to handle different types of pests, but they usually have a more aggressive and reactive approach.

Exterminators focus on the immediate eradication of pests without much regard for the underlying causes or the long-term consequences. Exterminators may also use techniques that are harmful or inhumane to the pests, such as fumigation, traps, or poison.

Some of the benefits of extermination are:

  • It is cheaper than pest control, as it requires less time, labor, and equipment.
  • It is faster than pest control, as it produces immediate results.
  • It is simpler than pest control, as it does not require much involvement or commitment from the customer.

Some of the drawbacks of extermination are:

  • It is less environmentally friendly and safe for humans and pets, as it uses more toxic or synthetic products.
  • It is less effective and short-term, as it does not address the root of the problem and may allow recurrence.
  • It is less comprehensive and customized, as it does not consider the specific type and level of infestation, the customer’s needs, and preferences, or the property’s characteristics.

How to Choose Between Pest Control and Exterminator?

The choice between pest control and exterminator depends on several factors, such as:

  • The type of pest: Some pests are easier to control than to exterminate, such as ants or cockroaches. Some pests are harder to control than to exterminate, such as bed bugs or termites. Some pests require a combination of both methods, such as mice or rats.
  • The level of infestation: A minor or moderate infestation may be better handled by pest control, as it can prevent further spread and damage. A major or severe infestation may require extermination first to quickly reduce pests.
  • The urgency of the situation: A non-emergency or preventive problem may benefit from pest control, as it can provide long-term solutions and peace of mind. An emergency or curative situation may need extermination first to resolve the problem quickly.
  • The budget and preference: Pest control may cost more upfront but save money in the long run by avoiding repeated treatments or repairs. Extermination may cost less upfront but incur more expenses in the future by allowing re-infestation or damage. The customer should also consider their personal preference for safety, convenience, quality, etc.

Difference between pest control and fumigation

Pest control and fumigation are both effective ways to get rid of pests, but they work in different ways.

  • Pest control uses chemicals to kill pests along with the bait & gel technique, while fumigation uses gas to kill them.
  • Fumigation is a short-time process & much cheaper and is suitable for small areas, pest control is generally a long-term process suitable for large areas but more expensive, however, it is also more effective.

A good read on How to Prepare for Fumigation.

Difference between pest control and pest management

  • Pest management is the process of preventing, controlling, and managing pests.
  • Pest control is the process of using pesticides to kill or remove pests.
  • Both pest management and pest control are important for keeping your home and family safe from pests.

Difference between fumigation and heat treatment

Difference between fumigation and heat treatment

When it comes to pest control, there are a variety of methods that can be used to get rid of pests. Fumigation and heat treatment are two of the most common methods used. But what’s the difference between the two?

  • Fumigation is a process where space is sealed off and filled with poisonous gas. This gas will kill any pests that are present, including their eggs and larvae.
  • Heat treatment, on the other hand, uses high temperatures to kill pests. This method is often used for smaller infestations.

Fumigation vs Heat Treatment, which method is better?

That depends on the situation. If you have a large infestation, fumigation may be your best option. But if you have a smaller infestation, heat treatment could be enough to get rid of the pests.

Difference between fumigation and fogging

Difference between fumigation and fogging

There are a few key differences between fumigation and fogging when it comes to pest control. 

  • Fumigation is generally considered to be a more complete method of pest control, as it will kill both insects and their eggs.
  • Foggers, on the other hand, are typically only effective against flying insects.
  • Another difference between the two methods is that fumigation requires the use of special equipment and chemicals, whereas fogging can be done with relatively basic materials.
  • Fumigation also typically takes longer than fogging, as the chemicals need time to work their way into all the cracks and crevices where pests may be hiding.
  • Overall, either method can be effective at controlling pests, but fumigation is usually the best choice for a more thorough job.


Pest control and exterminator are two different ways of dealing with pest problems. Pest control is more focused on effective, environmentally-friendly long-term solutions to remove pests. An exterminator is more likely to utilize chemicals to kill pests quickly.

Both methods have their pros and cons depending on the type, level, urgency, budget, and preference of the situation. The customer should consult with a professional before deciding which method is best for them.


  • What does an exterminator do?

    An exterminator is another name for a person who works in pest control. Exterminators visit clients’ residences and places of business to look for insects or rodents. The bug is subsequently eliminated or put an end to by pest control professionals using the proper technique, which may involve a pesticide, trap, or another method.

  • Is pest control Really Worth It?

    In most instances, using professional extermination yields quicker and more effective results than using do-it-yourself techniques. By spotting pest issues early and getting rid of them quickly, they can also save you money by averting an expensive infestation and/or damage in the future.

  • How often do you really need pest control?

    In order to properly prevent common pests or when you move into a new home or apartment, we advise regular pest control treatments on a quarterly basis, or even bimonthly. Monthly treatments spread out over a period of 3 to 6 months are advised for more severe infestations.