Do Cockroaches Have Brains? Unveiling the Mystery

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Did you know that cockroaches are incredibly resilient creatures that can survive in almost any environment? They also exhibit remarkable intelligence by moving around in the dark and hiding at the slightest sound.

Have you ever wondered if cockroaches have brains? If they do, how do they work? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the anatomy of cockroaches and what we currently understand (and don’t understand) about their brain function. Keep reading to discover more about these fascinating creatures!

Do Cockroaches Have Brains

Do Cockroaches Have Brains? And How Many?

Cockroaches are often thought of as simple creatures, but they actually have quite complex nervous systems. They have long, segmented bodies with many legs, and their brains are located in their heads.

Cockroaches have two main brain regions: the central brain and the subesophageal ganglion.

The central brain is responsible for processing information from the cockroach’s senses and controlling its movement.

The subesophageal ganglion is responsible for more basic functions such as heartbeat and digesting food.

And they have a small cluster of nerve cells called the mushroom body. The mushroom body is important for learning and memory.

Cockroach Brain Cells And Structure

Cockroach brain cells are actually quite similar to human brain cells.

  • They have a central nervous system that consists of a brain and ganglia, and they also have a set of antennal lobes that control their sense of smell.
  • However, cockroaches lack a cerebrum, which is the part of the brain responsible for higher cognition and emotions.
  • One thing that sets cockroach brain cells apart from human brain cells is the way they are arranged. Cockroach brains are much simpler than human brains, consisting of only about 1 million neurons compared to the 100 million found in humans.
  • This arrangement makes cockroaches much less intelligent than humans, but it also allows them to be more agile and react more quickly to changes in their environment.

What Does A Roach Brain Do?

What Does A Roach Brain Do

A cockroach’s brain is responsible for all of the cockroach’s movement, as well as its sensory perception. The brain is also responsible for the cockroach’s ability to remember things and make decisions.

What Does A Roach’s First and Second Brain Do?

There are a lot of things that might come to mind when you think about cockroaches – they’re pests, they’re icky, and they might even be dangerous. But did you know that cockroaches have brains? In fact, they have two of them.

  1. The first brain is located in the roach’s head and controls the roach’s essential functions like breathing and moving. But the second brain is located in the roach’s abdomen, and it’s responsible for controlling the roach’s digestive system.
  2. So what does this second brain do? Well, it basically acts as a control center for the digestive system. It sends signals to the muscles in the abdomen that tell them when to contract and move food through the intestines. It also regulates how much acid is produced in the stomach, which helps break down food.
    • Interestingly, this second brain is actually more complex than the first brain. It has more neurons (nerve cells) and is better at processing information. This might be because the second brain has to deal with a lot more information than the first brain – after all, digestion is a pretty complicated process!

Check this another article you will love reading about cockroaches: Do cockroaches feel pain?

How Big is a Cockroach Brain?

Cockroaches have very small brains in comparison to the size of their bodies. In fact, their brain makes up only about 0.001% of total body weight! The majority of a cockroach’s nervous system is located in its abdomen, with the brain being located at the base of the antennae.

Where are Cockroaches’ Brains Located?

Cockroaches’ brains are located in their heads, just like humans’ brains. However, cockroaches have a much smaller brain-to-body ratio than humans. This is because their bodies are much simpler than humans’ bodies, so they don’t need as much brain power to control them.

Do Cockroaches Have Memory?

Do Cockroaches have Memory

Cockroaches are widely considered to be one of the most intelligent insects. They have been shown to be able to learn and remember complex tasks, and they can even adapt their behavior based on previous experience.

So, do cockroaches have memory? It seems likely that they do, although there is still much we don’t know about cockroach cognition. Studies on cockroach memory are ongoing, and we may soon have a better understanding of just how smart these fascinating creatures really are.

Do Cockroaches Remember Faces?

Cockroaches are often thought of as pests, and they certainly can be. But cockroaches also have a few impressive abilities, including the ability to remember faces.

That’s right, cockroaches can actually remember human faces. This was first discovered in a study conducted in 2012. In the study, scientists showed a group of cockroaches pictures of different human faces.

The cockroaches then had to choose between the face they’d just seen and a new one. The cockroaches were more likely to choose the face they’d just seen, indicating that they remembered it.

So why do cockroaches need to remember human faces? It’s likely because it helps them avoid getting killed and helps them survive longer. Remembering faces helps them do that.

Of course, this isn’t the only reason cockroaches might need to remember faces. It could also help them recognize other members of their species or even potential mates. Regardless of the reason, it’s clear that cockroaches are capable of remembering human faces – so eliminate roaches to avoid an unhealthy infestation in your home!

Do Cockroaches Have a Heart?

So, do cockroaches have a heart? Yes, they do! Cockroaches have a simple circulatory system that includes a heart. This heart pumps blood through the body, providing oxygen and nutrients to the cells.


Cockroaches are insects that have been around for millions of years. They are one of the most adaptable creatures on the planet and can live in a wide range of environments.

Despite their primitive appearance, cockroaches are actually quite sophisticated creatures. They have compound eyes that allow them to see in low light conditions, and they can run very fast. Cockroaches also have antennae that they use to sense their surroundings.

Roaches are also very intelligent pests. They have two brains in their body, which helps them to remember things and avoid enemy pests.


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