Most Common Types Of Roaches With Pictures to Identify Them

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Cockroaches are not just a nuisance; they can also carry diseases. These hardy insects can survive just about anything, from nuclear explosions to the occasional pesticide spraying. But before we start the eradication process, it is better to know which type of cockroach infestation we are facing. So, it will be more clear and easy to do.

In this article, we are going to see the most common types of cockroaches with pictures—each with its quirks and habits.

types of roaches with pictures

Here, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common types of cockroaches you might find in your home.

types of roaches with pictures

There are many different types of roaches, but the three most common species in homes are the German cockroach, the American cockroach, and the Oriental cockroach.

1. German Cockroach

German Cockroach

The German cockroach is by far the most common type of roach found in homes and businesses. These roaches are small, usually only growing to be about 1/2 an inch long. They are brown with two dark stripes running down their backs. German cockroaches are great at hiding and are often found in small cracks and crevices.

German cockroaches are among the most common household roaches in the U.S. They’re very easy to misidentify as another species of insect due to their long, slender bodies and dark coloring. Although German cockroaches are more likely to be found indoors, they’re usually only seen in commercial spaces, such as restaurants or hotels.

German cockroaches are drawn to areas where food is present, but unlike other types of cockroaches, they can’t feed on crumbs. German cockroaches are more likely to be found on restaurant menus than in the kitchen. They’re also more likely to be seen in hotels.

2. American Cockroach

American cockroach

The American cockroach is the largest type of roach found in homes, typically growing to be about 1-2 inches long. These roaches are reddish-brown and have a yellow band around their heads. American cockroaches are often found in damp areas like basements or near water heaters.

3. Oriental Cockroach

Oriental Cockroach

Oriental cockroaches are slightly smaller than American cockroaches, typically only reaching lengths of about 1 inch. These roaches are black or very dark brown. Oriental cockroaches are often found outdoors in damp areas like mulch beds, under porches, or in crawl spaces.

4. Asian Cockroach

asian cockroach

The Asian cockroaches are typically brown or black and have a wingspan of about 1.5 inches. Asian cockroaches are attracted to light and can often be found near doors and windows.

These pests can enter homes and buildings through cracks and crevices. Once inside, they will infest food sources and contaminate surfaces with their feces.

Asian cockroaches can also trigger allergies in some people. If you suspect you have an infestation of Asian cockroaches, contact a pest control professional for treatment options.

5. Australian Cockroach

Australian cockroach

The Australian cockroach is one of the most common types of roaches in Australia and is a familiar sight in many homes. This resilient little critter can survive in a wide range of climates, making it a tough opponent to get rid of.

While they are not known to carry disease, they can be a nuisance, and their droppings can cause allergies in some people. If you’re dealing with an infestation of Australian cockroaches, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.

6. Smokybrown Cockroaches

smokybrown Cockroach

Smoky brown cockroaches are also one of the most common types of roaches found in homes and businesses. These pests are dark brown or black and have smooth, glossy bodies. They are about 1 to 1 1/2 inches long and can fly short distances.

Smokybrown cockroaches are often found near sources of water, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. These roaches are attracted to food scraps and moisture.

To prevent an infestation, seal cracks and crevices around your home, remove food sources, and keep your living spaces clean and free of clutter.

7. Brown Banded Cockroaches

Brown Banded Cockroach

The Brown Banded Cockroaches are small, dark brown insects with two light brown stripes running across their backs.

These pests are attracted to warm, humid environments and are often found in kitchens and bathrooms. Brown-banded cockroaches can live for up to 12 months and reproduce quickly, laying up to 20 eggs at a time.

These roaches are nuisance pests that can be difficult to control. If you think you have a Brown Banded Cockroach infestation, contact a pest management professional for assistance.

8. Wood cockroaches

Wood cockroach

Several species of Parcoblatta, including the Pennsylvania woods cockroach, are classified as wood cockroaches. The only species of cockroach that naturally occurs in Michigan and was not brought there from another country is the wood cockroach. Typically, wood cockroaches very rarely enter homes and hardly ever spawn there.

Typically, they are either brought inside with firewood or drawn to outside lighting. Only males have been observed to fly, and they are most disruptive in May and June when they migrate in great numbers for mating.

Additionally, wood roaches can be discovered in rain gutters, wood and leaf heaps, and other places where decaying plant matter collects.


Many different kinds of cockroaches live all around the world. Finding out if you have one or all of these kinds in your home can help you better understand what they are doing and how they might be getting there.

The most common types of cockroaches to find in your home are German cockroaches, American cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches. But there are many other kinds of cockroaches that you might find in your home as well. 

It’s always important to know what kind of pest you have, as it will help you figure out the best way to get rid of it. With this knowledge, we hope you can better choose a method of treatment for whatever pest you have.

We hope you enjoyed our blog about different types of cockroaches. Please let us know how you feel about the different types of cockroaches. What cockroach is the most disgusting?


  • What is the most common household roach?

    One of the most prevalent species is the German cockroach (Blattella germanica). They are pale brown and are 13 to 16 mm in length, with two dark brown stripes behind the head.
    These insects may survive for up to a year and lay more eggs than other species.

  • What is the hardest cockroach to get rid of?

    German cockroaches are notoriously difficult to eradicate. They reproduce and spread with breakneck speed, can survive very little, and will not give up without a fight.

  • Does vinegar get rid of roaches?

    White vinegar is frequently recommended as a natural roach repellent. Unfortunately, it does not eliminate the issue of insects. It’s more of a cleaning tool than anything else, and it won’t help you get rid of your roaches.