What Do Cockroach Eggs Look Like? Inside the Ootheca

Reading Time: 6 minutes

If you have ever found a small, brown egg in your home and wondered if it might be a cockroach egg, you are not alone. This is a common question that people have, particularly if they have seen adult cockroaches in their homes. In this article, we will take a look at what cockroach eggs look like so that you can identify them if you find them in your home.

What Do Cockroach Eggs Look Like

What Do the Eggs (or Ootheca) Look Like?

If you’re lucky enough to never have seen a cockroach egg, congratulations! They’re not exactly pretty. In fact, they’re quite ugly. Each egg is contained within an egg case, called an ootheca, which is about the size and shape of a pea. The ootheca is dark brown or black and is covered in ridges. There can be anywhere from 10 to 50 eggs inside each ootheca.

cockroach ootheca

Once the eggs hatch, the juvenile cockroaches, called nymphs, are white or cream-colored. They quickly develop their characteristic brown coloration and grow to adulthood in about six to twelve months.

Inside the Ootheca

The ootheca is the egg case of a cockroach, and it can vary in size and shape depending on the species of cockroach. Some ootheca is elongated and cylindrical, while others are more spherical. The eggs inside the ootheca are typically white or pale yellow, and they are arranged in rows or clusters.

german cockroach ootheca hatching

Cockroaches are not the only insects that produce ootheca; termites and mantises also do. However, cockroach ootheca is generally much larger than those of other insects, and they are often produced in much greater numbers. A single female cockroach can produce up to 40 oothecae during her lifetime, each of which may contain up to 50 eggs!

If you’re wondering what cockroach eggs look like, your best bet is to find an ootheca and have a close look for yourself. But be warned: if you see an ootheca, there’s a good chance there are adult cockroaches nearby!

Roaches coming out of the Ootheca

Check out this video for a stunning view of roaches coming out of eggs. The video is at 800x speed.

Cockroach eggs by species

Cockroaches are insects that lay eggs. Depending on the species, cockroach eggs can vary in size, shape, and color. Some species of cockroach lay their eggs in clusters, while others lay them singly.

roaches egg by species
  • The German cockroach is the type of cockroach that is most widespread in the US. German cockroaches lay their eggs in capsules that are about 1/4 inch long. Each capsule contains about 30–40 eggs. The eggs are brown and oval-shaped.
  • American cockroaches lay their eggs in a casing that is about 3/8 inch long. Each casing contains about 16–18 eggs. The eggs are white and oval-shaped.
  • Oriental cockroaches lay their eggs singly or in small clusters. Each egg is about 1/8 inch long and brown.
  • Brown-banded cockroaches also lay their eggs singly or in small clusters. Each egg is brown and slightly smaller than those of Oriental cockroaches.

Cockroach eggs are often hard to see with the naked eye, but they can be found in dark, moist places such as cracks and crevices in walls and floors, behind appliances, and beneath sinks.

How to identify cockroach eggs

Cockroach eggs are small and brown, about the size of a grain of rice. They are often found in clusters in cracks and crevices, or in protected areas like behind appliances. If you suspect you have cockroaches, it is important to check for eggs as well as live insects.

To confirm that you are dealing with cockroach eggs, you can take a sample to your local roach exterminator’s office for identification. Or you can try it by yourself. Check out the picture above, and identify it. Once you know you have cockroach eggs, you can take steps to get rid of them and prevent an infestation.

How To Identify Cockroach Eggs

Where to Find Cockroach Eggs

Cockroach eggs are small and brown, and they are usually found in clusters. They are often found in dark, damp places like under sinks, inside kitchen cabinets, or in cracks in the walls. If you think you have cockroaches in your home, it’s important to check for eggs, so you can get rid of them before they hatch.

How to Kill Cockroach Eggs?

Cockroach eggs are tiny, dark brown or black, and difficult to see. But if you have them in your home, it’s important to get rid of them.

There are a few ways to kill cockroach eggs. You can use a chemical insecticide like Raid or Ortho Home Defense. You can also use a natural method, like diatomaceous earth or borax powder.

If you have children or pets, be sure to use a safe method of egg removal. Chemical insecticides can be harmful if not used and then cleaned properly.

Check out this guide on how to prevent cockroaches.

Once you’ve killed the cockroach eggs, be sure to clean your home thoroughly. This will help prevent any future infestations.

Don’t let cockroaches invade your home and spread germs. Take charge with these highly effective roach eradication solutions that specifically target and eliminate these pests. Preserve your comfort, hygiene, and restore the tranquility of your home. Explore the best roach eradication solutions available and bid farewell to these pests once and for all!


Cockroach eggs are a common problem that many homeowners face at some point. However, it can be difficult to identify them, especially when they are as small as they can be. To make identifying these eggs easier, we’ve created this guide to show you what cockroach eggs look like so that you can find them right away.

By now, you have learned about various cockroach eggs and how to identify them. We hope that by reading this article, you will feel a little better about the cockroaches in your home. If you have any other questions about cockroach eggs, or if you need help getting rid of roaches, please contact us anytime!


  • Can you see cockroach eggs?

    Yes, you’ll notice a brown, enclosed egg case in the shape of a capsule that contains several cockroach eggs or growing nymphs.

  • How long does it take for cockroach eggs to hatch?

    After approximately a day or two, the female cockroach will attach the ootheca to a piece of furniture, a wall, cardboard, or some other rough surface. In roughly 50 days, the eggs begin to hatch.

  • How do you find a cockroach nest?

    Roaches like places that are isolated, wet, dark, and close to food. Grab a torch and a tiny mirror to look inside a dark, constrained locations where roach nests are located. Start by looking at crawl areas, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens for common harborages.