Do Cockroaches have Teeth? Debunking Myths About Cockroach Teeth

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Cockroaches are one of the most adaptable creatures on the planet. They can live in just about any environment, and they’re able to eat a wide variety of foods. So, it’s no surprise that their mouths are adapted to meet their needs.

But how exactly does this creepy crawlies use their choppers? Do cockroaches have teeth, and what do their teeth look like? Read on to find out everything you ever wanted to know (and probably more!) about cockroach teeth.

Do Cockroaches Have Teeth

Do Cockroaches Have Teeth?

Cockroaches do not have teeth in the same way that humans and many other animals do.

  • Instead, they have strong, sharp mandibles that they use to bite and chew their food.
  • The mandibles are located on the head of the cockroach and are used to crush and grind food before it is ingested.
  • The mandibles are also used for other purposes, such as defending themselves against predators or other threats.
  • While cockroaches may not have teeth in the traditional sense, their mandibles are highly effective for their needs.

How Many Teeth Do Cockroaches Have?

So technically, cockroaches don’t have teeth in their mouth. Instead, there are teeth in the stomachs of cockroaches. The roach’s gizzard, which houses its digestive process, has these teeth. How many stomachs are there in a cockroach? At the intersection of the gizzard and stomach, there are six pairs of gastric (associated with the stomach) caecae.

So, why do cockroaches need so many teeth? Well, it turns out that their diet consists mostly of soft, decaying matter like dead leaves and rotting fruit. Their teeth are designed to help them break down this food, so they can digest it properly.

Interestingly, cockroaches don’t actually chew their food. They use their teeth to tear it into small pieces and then swallow it whole. So, if you’re ever unfortunate enough to be bitten by a cockroach, don’t expect them to chew on you for very long!

Do Cockroaches Have Teeth in Their Stomach?

Do Cockroaches Have Teeth in Their Stomach

Do cockroaches have teeth in their stomachs? Yes, roaches have a total of six teeth in their stomach.

What Do Stomach Teeth Look Like?

So, what do stomach teeth look like? Well, they’re actually quite similar to human teeth. Cockroach mandibles are made up of chitin, which is the same substance that our own teeth are made of. These mandibles are incredibly sharp and can easily slice through food.

Interestingly, cockroaches can go their entire lives without ever using their mouths to eat. They simply rely on their stomach teeth to do all the work!

Do Baby Roaches Grow Teeth?

Do baby roaches or nymphs have teeth? No, baby cockroaches, or nymphs, don’t have any teeth at all. There is no evidence that baby roaches grow teeth. 

Do Cockroaches Chew Quickly?

As you probably know, cockroaches are not the tidiest of creatures. They will chew on just about anything, including paper and cardboard. This can be a problem if you have a lot of cockroaches in your home, as they can quickly damage your belongings.

Cockroaches also have teeth that are designed for chewing. These teeth are sharp and can easily be cut through soft materials like paper. If you have ever been bitten by a cockroach, you know that their teeth can cause pain.

Check out this interesting article on do cockroaches feel pain. Do they have pain receptors? You will love reading it.

Do cockroaches have tongues?

Do cockroaches have tongues? No, they don’t. Cockroaches use their mouths for eating and their front legs for touching and tasting. They do have jaws that are strong enough to crush food.

Don’t let cockroaches invade your home and spread germs. Take charge with these highly effective roach elimination methods that specifically target and eliminate these pests. Preserve your comfort, hygiene, and restore the tranquility of your home. Explore the best roach elimination methods available and bid farewell to these pests once and for all!


Do cockroaches have teeth? If you’re wondering about this, the answer is yes. But they are inside their stomach in order to digest food. Cockroaches have tiny, saw-like teeth that they use to tear their food into pieces.

They also use their tongues to lap up liquids. So, while they don’t use their tongues in the same way we do, they are still an important part of their eating process. We hope you liked this article and got all the information you were looking for, please share this post on social media.


  • How many teeth do cockroaches have?

    Although roaches lack teeth, they do have sophisticated anatomy that allows them to bite and eat. These are divided into three different sections. The stomach’s food is ground in the gizzard by plates.

  • Should you squish cockroaches?

    According to a new myth, squashing a cockroach is unwise because it can disperse the insect’s eggs, which would result in the development of additional baby cockroaches. According to Louis Sorkin, a specialist in the entomology division of the American Museum of Natural History, “The crushing in itself doesn’t truly disperse eggs.

  • Why do cockroaches run toward you?

    This is a coping strategy. They pursue you to frighten you and get away from that circumstance. Since they lack claws or fangs to defend themselves, they defend themselves in this way. They take advantage of the fact that we are afraid of them by being aware of it.