How Long Can A Cockroach Live Underwater?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Cockroaches are one of the most adaptable creatures on the planet. They are known for their amazing ability to survive almost anything. They can live for up to one month without food and about a week without water. But how long can a cockroach live underwater?  And what does it do to survive?

How Long Can A Cockroach Live Underwater

How long can a Cockroach Live Underwater?

When it comes to cockroaches, there’s not much you can do to help them with their underwater problem.

  • Cockroaches are one of the most resilient creatures on the planet and can even live underwater for up to a week!
  • That said, they can only hold their breath for about 40 minutes at a time before needing to surface for air.

How Long Can A Cockroach Hold Its Breath Underwater?

Cockroaches are capable of surviving for long periods of time without access to oxygen. In fact, some species of cockroach can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes!

However, this does not mean that cockroaches enjoy being submerged in water. If a cockroach is forced to hold its breath for an extended period of time, it will likely succumb to exhaustion and drown.

Can cockroaches swim up drains?

Yes, cockroaches can swim up drains. In fact, they are pretty good at it. This is because they have special adaptations that allow them to hold their breath for long periods of time and to move quickly through the water.

So, if you think you have a cockroach problem in your home, be sure to check your drains for signs of them. And, if you find one swimming around in your sink or bathtub, don’t panic! Just carefully scoop it up and release it outside.

Do Cockroaches Swim?

It’s a question that has been asked time and time again: can cockroaches swim? The jury is still out on this one, as there is conflicting evidence. Some experts say that cockroaches cannot swim, while others claim that they have seen cockroaches swimming in water.

So, what’s the verdict? Unfortunately, we may never know for sure whether or not cockroaches can swim. However, there are a few things that we do know about these creatures that may give us a clue.

Do Cockroaches Swim

For starters, cockroaches are excellent climbers. They are able to scale walls and other vertical surfaces with ease. This ability likely comes in handy when they are trying to escape from predators or other dangers.

Cockroaches are also known to be quite resilient creatures. They can survive in a variety of harsh environments, including those that are high in humidity or temperature.

Additionally, cockroaches can go without food or water for long periods of time.

Given their abilities, it’s not surprising that some people believe that cockroaches can swim. After all, if they can climb walls and survive without food or water, surely they can paddle their way through a puddle of water,

Can German cockroaches swim?

Yes, German cockroaches can swim for long periods of time. In fact, they are known to be able to hold their breath for up to 40 minutes! This allows them to escape from submerged areas, like drains and toilets, and survive in areas with high humidity.

How Do Cockroaches Breathe?

Cockroaches have an interesting way of breathing. Unlike us, they don’t have lungs that fill with air and then force the air out. Instead, they have tiny holes all over their bodies called spiracles. These spiracles lead to a series of tubes called tracheae, which carry oxygen throughout the cockroach’s body.

So how does this help them breathe underwater? It turns out that cockroaches can close their spiracles when they’re submerged, preventing water from getting into their tracheae. This allows them to hold their breath for a long time – up to 40 minutes! – without suffocating.

Of course, eventually, the cockroach will need to come up for air. When it does, it opens its spiracles and water rushes in, filling the tracheae. The cockroach then pumps the water out of its body and starts breathing normally again.

This unique respiratory system allows cockroaches to survive even if they’re submerged for a long time. So next time you see one scurrying around your bathroom sink, don’t be too surprised – it’s just looking for a way to get some air!


Cockroaches are considered one of the most resilient animals on the planet. This can be attributed to a few things, including their exoskeleton, which doesn’t retain water and helps to prevent them from drowning.

A cockroach’s exoskeleton is made of a tough and waxy material that is a great barrier against water. In fact, a cockroach can hold its breath underwater for up to 40 minutes. That’s a long time to be underwater, but the cockroach’s exoskeleton and gills help them to survive.

Their exoskeleton is their primary defense mechanism against water, but they also have gills and lungs to help them breathe while underwater.


  • How long does it take a roach to drown?

    A cockroach has a 40-minute breath-holding capacity and can withstand being completely immersed for 30 minutes. They are very skilled at holding their breath because they must do so frequently to control their water loss.

  • Can cockroaches live in water?

    Few roach species can survive in water for extended periods of time, although many species prefer to reside near water sources. Roaches have the ability to “hold their breath” for up to 40 minutes if completely submerged in water.

  • What happens if you flush a roach?

    Since cockroaches are able to hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, flushing them will not kill them. It will be alive when it enters your sewage.

    It can then find its way back into your home or a neighbor’s home in that condition. In the same way, cockroach eggs should be broken up before flushing.