How to Get Rid of A Lizard in Your House – The Ultimate Guide to Eradicate them

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Lizards can be a nuisance in your home, scurrying around and leaving behind messes. These creepy & annoying crawling insects not also look gross but also in some cases are dangerous to health. If you’re looking for how to get rid of a lizard in your house, as a quick step, there are a few things you can do.

Try to eliminate any potential food sources that might be attracting the lizard. Secondly, make your home less hospitable by sealing up any cracks or crevices where the lizard might be able to hide. A detailed guide we have shared in this article.

How To Get Rid Of A Lizard In Your House & Yard

How to get rid of a lizard in the house – Follow These Steps to Say Goodbye

Get Rid Of A Lizard In House

If you have a lizard problem in your house, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. In this guide, we have shared some DIY methods so you can try them on your own and when you should contact a professional to help you solve the issue.

1. Seal the Entry Point

Seal Cracks

First thing, make your home less inviting to them & stop further entry seal all the cracks in your walls, windows & beneath your doors. Apply net on your windows & ventilation unit so it won’t come by climbing walls.

2. Gel & Traps

lizard Trap

Now, when you’ve closed the entry point. It’s time to eliminate all lizards which are residing in your home. For this, you have 2 options: 1-Gel & 2-Trap

2.1 Gel: Apply gel dots on your walls where you see them most, next time when the lizard will lick those gel dots they will die. These gels are readily available in your nearest mart with different names.

2.2 Trap: There are different traps available in the market for home use, for better results put some food on it so it will easily attract lizards & catch them. Or You can make your own lizard traps using things like plastic containers, newspapers, and sticky tape. Just put some food inside the container and place it where you’ve seen lizards frequently. The lizard will go inside to get the food and then won’t be able to get back out again.

3. Repellents

So here you have 2 options, one is a DIY method & second commercial pest control chemical.

3.1 DIY Method: You can easily make your own repellents using things like essential oils, vinegar, and chili peppers. Just mix these ingredients together and spray them around areas where you’ve seen lizards. The strong smell will deter them from coming back.

3.2 Commercial Chemical: You can opt for some commercial pest control chemicals available online nowadays, mix them with water & spray them on the walls where you see lizards frequently. If you have a persistent problem with lizards, you may need to consult with a professional. But for most people, these simple tips should do the trick!

4. Professional Help

Pest Control Expert

If you’re having trouble getting rid of lizards, it might be time to call in a professional. Pest control companies have the tools and experience necessary to get rid of lizards for good. They can also help you figure out how the lizards are getting into your house in the first place so that you can prevent them from coming back.

How do I get rid of Lizards in my yard?

How do I get rid of Lizards in my yard

Lizards are a common problem in many households. They can be found in various places, such as under rocks, in trees, and even in your house. While they are not dangerous, they can be a nuisance. If you have lizards in your yard, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.

1. Inspect the Entry Point 

The first thing you need to do is identify where the lizards are coming from. If they are coming from outside, you can try to seal up any cracks or holes that they may be used to get into your house.

If the lizards are already inside your house, you will need to find their hiding spots and remove them.

2. Remove Food Source

Once you have identified the lizard problem areas, the next step is to remove any food sources that they may be attracted to. This includes removing any pet food bowls or bird feeders from your yard. You should also trim back any bushes or trees that may provide shelter for the lizards.

3. Plant Outdoor Plants that Repel Lizards

lizard repel plant

You are already aware that pepper may be used to fend off lizards, but what about plants? It turns out that adding plants that lizards dislike is one efficient approach to getting rid of them.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Eucalyptus
  • Pencil trees
  • Peppermint

4. Use Bait & Chemical

If you have tried the above tips and the lizard problem persists, you may need to resort to more drastic measures. One option is to set up traps baited with food that will attract the lizards.

They won’t be able to get out of the trap once they’ve stepped into it. You can also use pest control chemicals and spray them in your garden, or you can call a professional who will do this job for you effectively.

What Attracts Lizards in the House and Yard?

Since lizards are tiny reptiles, most people do not consider them to be pests. Even so, they have the potential to take over your house, garden, or yard. And when they occur, you can experience a serious hand issue.

Discovering the lizard problem’s fundamental cause and the factors that draw them to your home is the first step in solving the problem. The three most frequent ones are food sources, shelter, and water.


In order to get rid of a lizard in your house, you need to take away its food and water sources, make your home less hospitable, and seal up any cracks or holes. Once you’ve done all of that, you can then set traps or use pesticides to catch and kill the lizard.

Be careful when using these methods, however, as they can also be dangerous to you and your family if not used correctly. If you have any questions or concerns about getting rid of a lizard in your house, be sure to consult with a professional pest control service.


  • What smell do lizards hate?

    Vinegar and lemon are repulsive to lizards, while chili powder can irritate their skin, eyes, and nose. Make your own homemade vinegar, lemon, and chili powder spray to keep lizards away from surfaces. This is how: Combine chile powder and black pepper.

  • Do lizards bite humans?

    Lizards can bite when threatened, however, they typically only do so when provoked. Lizards only bite when you attempt to pick one up; it is not a common method of self-defense for them. In contrast to wild lizards, which are more likely to bite, domesticated lizards can become accustomed to handling.

  • Do house lizards bite?

    Lizards shy away from conflict. Only when they are persuaded or cornered and feel threatened will they bite. Although lizard bites can be terrifying, the majority do not have a negative impact on health. Most homes have a wall lizard or gecko, which is not poisonous.

  • if I have a lizard in my house do I also have snakes?

    No, not at all. There is no correlation between these two.