What Causes Roaches in a Clean House? Cockroach Causes

Reading Time: 7 minutes

If you have ever seen a cockroach in your home, you know how icky they can be. Once they are inside, they can spread all over the home in a very short span of time. And this can become a nuisance for you. So the question comes to every individual’s mind: what causes roaches in a clean house?

So that we can avoid such incidents and keep our homes roach-free. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common causes that lead to a roach infestation. Keep reading to find out the answer!

What Causes Roaches

What Causes Roaches? Reason for a Cockroach infestation

There are many potential causes of roach infestation, but some of the most common include:

  1. Poor sanitation and hygiene: Roaches are attracted to filth and will often infest homes or businesses that are not properly cleaned and maintained.
  2. Clutter: Roaches love to hide in dark, cluttered areas. This provides them with ample opportunities to breed and thrive.
  3. Food sources: Roaches are attracted to food sources, so infestations often occur in kitchens or other areas where food is present.
  4. Moisture: Roaches need moisture to survive, so they will often infest damp areas such as basements, bathrooms, or laundry rooms.
  5. Entry points: Roaches can enter homes or businesses through cracks and crevices in walls, doors, or windows. Once they are inside, they can quickly multiply and cause an infestation.

Remember, the causes may vary in the home and apartment. So, if you live in a home or apartment. Read out the respective headings accordingly for more clear knowledge.

What Causes Roaches in a Clean House?

There are many reasons why roaches may show up in a clean house. It could be that they were already there when you moved in, came in through cracks or openings, through drain lines, or were brought in on boxes or furniture. Once they’re inside, roaches can multiply quickly and be difficult to get rid of.

Roaches also like dark, warm places, so they may be hiding in your kitchen cabinets, under the sink, or in other dark areas. If you see one roach, it’s likely that there is much more hiding nearby.

If you want to read more on this topic, check out this article on why you get cockroaches.

What Causes Roaches in Apartments?

There are many things that can cause roaches in apartments.

  • One of the most common causes is simply having too much clutter around. Roaches love to hide in small, dark places, and if your apartment is full of clutter, it provides them with plenty of places to hide.
  • One more common cause of roaches in apartments is poor sanitation. If you don’t keep your apartment clean, roaches will be attracted to the food and garbage that you leave behind.
  • Another common cause of roaches in apartments is leaking. If there are leaks in your plumbing, roaches will be attracted to the moisture and will often make their nests in the area around the leak.
  • So last but not least, it is not your apartment that attracts roaches to your building. Unfortunately, you may face roaches in your apartment/flat because of your neighbor. If you keep your home clean and follow all the guidelines to keep your home roaches free but still no result. So most likely you are getting roaches because of your neighbor.
  • We have seen many cases, where one apartment is neat & clean but on the same floor, their neighbor’s home is just a mess. So these types of apartment owners are the reason that the whole building faces roaches infestation.

What Causes Roaches in Bedrooms?

What Causes Roaches In Bedrooms

There are many reasons why roaches could be in your bedroom. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • You have food or water spills that they’re attracted to.
  • You have a pet that brings them in.
  • There’s a gap or crack somewhere in your room that they’re able to squeeze through.
  • If you don’t have a roaches problem in your kitchen, but you have roaches in your room so the chances are they are entering your room from bathroom drain lines.
  • You have an infestation in another part of your home that has spread to your bedroom.

If you think you might have an issue with roaches, the best thing to do is contact a pest control professional who can help identify the source of the problem and get rid of the roaches for good.

What Causes Roaches in the Kitchen?

There are many reasons why roaches might end up in your kitchen.

  • One possibility is that they’re looking for food. Roaches are attracted to crumbs and other bits of food that might be left out, so if your kitchen is messy, it could be an invitation for them to come in.
  • Another possibility is that they’re seeking water. Roaches need water to survive, so if your kitchen is the only place with a consistent water source, they may be drawn to it.
  • Finally, it could simply be that your kitchen offers more shelter and warmth than the outdoors, making it a more appealing place for roaches to stay.

What Causes Roaches in the Bathroom?

There are a few things that can cause roaches in your bathroom:

  • Your bathroom may be too moist. Roaches are like dark, moist places to hide and breed.
  • You may have cracks or crevices in your bathroom that provide access to roaches. Make sure to seal up any cracks or openings, no matter how small.
  • Your drain cover has big holes, so roaches easily enter through it. Replace it with a small hole cover.
  • If you have an infestation in another part of your home, roaches may be coming into your bathroom in search of food or water. Be sure to clean up any food or water sources that roaches could be attracted to.


What causes roaches? Do you have roaches in your home? If you’re wondering what causes them, you’re not alone. Cockroaches are one of the most hated pests in the world. Luckily, they’re not that hard to get rid of. The most common types of cockroaches are American, German, and Oriental cockroaches. These species are known to live in homes and commercial establishments.

Roaches are attracted to food sources and, like most pests, will find their way into your home if you leave food out. Also, roaches will not just hang out in your kitchen – they will also set up shop in any dark, warm, moist place, such as your bathroom or under your sink. 

A cockroach infestation can be a very upsetting and disturbing thing to deal with. Fortunately, the good news is that there are ways to prevent and get rid of roaches before they become a problem. If you would like to learn more about how you can prevent cockroaches from invading your home, please check out this article on our blog.


  • How does a roach infestation start?

    On the sole of your shoe, cockroaches may enter your home if you stepped on one or walked through roach eggs. This bug has a history of hitchhiking.

    They may enter your house by hiding out in supermarket bags, luggage, used furniture, or even clothing. But the most common source is your drain lines.

  • Will roaches go away on their own?

    Unfortunately, just because you’ve been out of the house for a few months won’t make the roach population disappear. They are intelligent animals.

    Because they are adaptable insects, cockroaches will quickly adjust to living in an empty home. They will consume any form of organic stuff, including meat, sweet foods, and starchy meals.

  • Do dryer sheets repel roaches?

    Most dryer sheets contain the ingredient linalool, which can be found in plants like lavender, basil, and coriander, all of which naturally repel common garden pests.

    Similar studies found that this ingredient is also useful for repelling bugs like mites, weevils, beetles, and German cockroaches.