What do Cockroaches Eat in the House? What do They Drink?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

We all know that cockroaches are gross, but did you know that they can also contaminate our food? These pests can carry diseases and contaminate your food, so it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible.

But how do you go about doing that? In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about what cockroaches eat in your house so that you can get rid of them for good!

What Do Cockroaches Eat In The House

What do cockroaches eat in the house?

Cockroaches are one of the most common pests in homes and businesses. They’re also one of the most difficult to control. That’s because cockroaches are very good at finding food and water sources, and they can live for several weeks without eating.

So, what do cockroaches eat in the house? Mostly, they’ll eat anything that people eat.

  • That includes crumbs on the floor, food that’s been left out, and even garbage.
  • Cockroaches are also attracted to greasy and sugary foods, so you might find them in your kitchen or near your trash can.
  • Roaches also eat meat so if you have open meat, chances are roaches can contaminate it.

While cockroaches will eat just about anything, there are some things that they’re especially fond of. Here are a few of the most popular cockroach foods:

  1. Bread Crumbs
  2. Greasy Foods
  3. Sugar
  4. Garbage
  5. Pet Food
  6. Dead insects

What do cockroaches like?

There are a variety of food sources that cockroaches like to eat.

  • Some of their favorites include starchy items like bread, cereals, and pasta.
  • They also enjoy sweets like candy and cake.
  • In addition, cockroaches are attracted to meat and other protein-rich foods.
  • Cockroaches will often forage for food in kitchens and pantries, where they have access to a variety of potential meals.
  • However, these pests are not picky eaters and will eat just about anything they can find. This means that cockroaches can be found in all sorts of places, including garbage cans, sewers, and even dead animals.

What do cockroaches drink?

What Do Cockroaches Drink

Cockroaches are able to live without food for a long time, but they need water to survive.

  • They are attracted to moisture and can be found near leaky pipes, in damp basements, or in other wet areas.
  • Cockroaches typically drink water that is available to them, but they have also been known to drink other liquids, such as beer, soda, or even blood.

Do cockroaches eat spiders?

Most people believe that cockroaches are scavengers and will eat just about anything, including spiders. However, cockroaches will eat spiders if they are able to catch them, but they prefer other food sources.

Cockroaches are attracted to food that is high in sugar and starch, such as breadcrumbs or cereal. They will also feed on dead insects and even their own feces.

How Can Roaches Eat So Many Disgusting Things?

Cockroaches are able to eat just about anything that contains organic matter. This means they can feast on things like garbage, rotting food, and even feces. While this might make you feel nauseous, cockroaches actually have a very strong digestive system that allows them to digest these types of things without getting sick.

So why do cockroaches eat such gross things? Well, in the wild, cockroaches are scavengers, and their diet consists of whatever they can find. This is why they are often seen in places like garbage dumps and sewage systems.

Cockroaches will usually eat anything that you leave out or drop on the floor. This includes crumbs, scraps of food, and even pet food. If there is no food available, cockroaches will start to feed on things like paper and glue. Basically, if it contains organic matter, a cockroach will try to eat it.

While most people think of cockroaches as dirty pests, they actually play an important role in the ecosystem. As scavengers, they help to clean up things like rotting food and garbage. In some cultures, cockroaches are even considered lucky!


Cockroaches are one of the most versatile pests in the world, able to survive on a wide range of food sources. In your home, they’ll eat just about anything, from crumbs on the floor to food left out on the counter. While they’re not particularly picky eaters, there are some things that cockroaches prefer to eat over others.

Here are some of the five most common items on a cockroach’s menu:1. Bread and other grain products 2. Meats and other sources of protein 3. Sugar and other sweeteners 4. Vegetables and fruits 5. Dead insects

There you have it! Now you know what cockroaches eat in your house and why they’re attracted to certain foods. By keeping your kitchen clean and free of food debris, you can help deter these pests from making themselves at home in your space.


  • What do roaches eat when there is no food?

    Roaches typically rely on other organic sources when food is scarce to survive. They will consume anything digestibdle or starch-based, as was previously said, including paper, hair, dung, and dead plant debris.

  • What attracts cockroaches to your home?

    These are the common things that attract Cockroaches to Your Home: in the sink, dirty dishes, crumbs on the countertops or floors, Pet food on the floor, garbage, and too much dampness.

  • What attracts cockroaches fast?

    They enjoy meats, oily cuisine, sweets, carbohydrates, and sweets in particular. They will be attracted to simple food sources, like crumbs on the counter, pet food on the floor, or dirty dishes in the sink.
    Roaches also enjoy waste, so be sure to frequently remove it from the house and keep any garbage cans shut.