Do Cockroaches Eat other Cockroaches? Cockroach Cannibalism

Reading Time: 7 minutes

If you’ve ever seen a cockroach in your home and wondered whether or not they eat other cockroaches, you’re not alone. These insects are fascinating creatures, and their eating habits are just one of the many things that make them unique.

Read on to learn more about what cockroaches eat, how they choose their food, and do cockroaches eat other cockroaches.

Do Cockroaches Eat Other Cockroaches

Do cockroaches eat other cockroaches?

Being omnivorous means that cockroaches will consume a variety of foods, including plants, meat, and other insects. Cockroaches do not typically consume other cockroaches, though. There have been some reported cases of cannibalism among cockroaches, particularly in situations where food is scarce.

There are a few reasons why cockroaches might eat other cockroaches.

  1. One reason is that they are simply trying to survive. If there is not enough food for all the cockroaches, they may resort to eating each other.
  2. Another reason, cockroaches may eat each other if they are sick or injured. If a cockroach is sick or injured, it may not be able to compete for food and could starve to death.
  3. Finally, some experts believe that cannibalism among cockroaches may help them to spread their species. By eating other cockroaches, they can acquire new genes that help them adapt and survive in different environments.

Why Do Cockroaches Cannibalize?

As disgusting as it may sound, cockroaches are known to eat other cockroaches on occasion. This behavior is called cannibalism, and there are a few different theories as to why cockroaches engage in it.

  • One theory is that cockroaches cannibalize each other when they are stressed or overcrowded. This makes sense, as overcrowding can lead to increased stress levels in any animal, including humans. When cockroaches are stressed, they may turn to cannibalism as a way to cope.
  • Another theory is that cockroaches cannibalize each other for nutrients. Cockroaches are known to eat just about anything, and their diet consists mostly of decaying organic matter. Eating another cockroach would provide them with a protein-rich meal that could help them survive and even reproduce.
  • Whatever the reason, cannibalism is not a common behavior among cockroaches. It is more likely to occur when they are under duress, such as when they are stressed or overcrowded.

Do Cockroaches Eat Their Young?

Cockroaches are not known for being the most maternal of creatures. In fact, many people believe that cockroaches will eat anything, including their own young. While it is true that cockroaches are not the pickiest of eaters, there is no evidence to support the claim that they will eat their young.

Do Cockroaches Eat Their Young

Cockroaches are scavengers and will eat just about anything they come across, including other cockroaches. However, there is no evidence to suggest that cockroaches actively seek out and eat their young. So, while it’s possible that a cockroach may accidentally consume one of its young while scavenging for food, it’s unlikely that they would do so intentionally.

Do Cockroach Nymphs Eat Each Other?

As anyone who has ever had a cockroach problem can attest, these pests are not picky eaters. They will feast on just about anything, including other cockroaches. This can be a problem when trying to rid your home of cockroaches, as the nymphs (baby cockroaches) can end up eating each other.

  • While it may seem counterintuitive to think that these pests would eat each other, it actually makes perfect sense.
  • Cockroaches are attracted to places that are dark and moist, and their nests can often become overcrowded.
  • This can lead to competition for food and other resources, which can cause some cockroaches to turn on each other.

If you have a cockroach problem, it is important to keep your home clean and free of clutter. This will help reduce the chances of the cockroaches turning on each other and will make it easier for you to get rid of them. It is always recommended to fumigate your home once a year at least. It will not just eradicate roaches, but also help in controlling other insects too.

Do Cockroaches Eat Other Insects?

We all know that cockroaches are scavengers and will eat just about anything, but do they also eat other insects? The answer is yes. Cockroaches will eat other insects if they are small enough to fit into their mouths. Cockroaches are not particular about what they eat, and will even cannibalize their own kind if given the chance. So, if you have a cockroach problem, be careful about using other insects as bait to lure them into traps – they may just end up eating each other!

Do Roaches Eat Their Own Poop?

As you might expect, cockroaches are not very picky when it comes to what they eat. They will consume just about anything, including their own feces. While this might not seem appetizing to us, cockroaches find it quite nutritious. Eating their own poop helps them to break down food more effectively and absorb more nutrients.

What Do Cockroaches Taste Like?

What do cockroaches taste like? Some say that cockroaches taste like chicken, while others say that they have a more nutty flavor. Cockroaches are also known to be quite crunchy, so they might not be everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re curious about what cockroaches taste like, only personal experience can provide a proper answer.

Seeking an effective solution to get rid of cockroaches? Look no further than these highly recommended roach eradication treatments that offer reliable results. Formulated with potent ingredients, these top-rated treatments provide a swift and effective method to combat cockroach infestations. Protect your home, kitchen, and peace of mind from these resilient pests. Discover the best roach eradication treatments on the market and regain control over your living space!

Video: Do Cockroaches Eat Other Cockroaches?


Most people think that cockroaches are dirty, disease-ridden creatures. However, they are actually quite clean and have a very strong sense of taste. In fact, they can even tell the difference between different types of food. Cockroaches also have a very strong sense of smell. This allows them to find food that other animals can’t. Do Cockroaches Eat Other Cockroaches? 

Although it may seem like a weird question, people often ask, “Do cockroaches eat other cockroaches?” The answer is yes, they do! Cockroaches are actually cannibals and will readily eat other cockroaches if given the chance. This behavior is most common when food is scarce or there is competition for mates. So, if you see a cockroach eating another cockroach, don’t be too surprised.

While it’s not exactly a pleasant thought, cockroaches do indeed eat other cockroaches. In fact, they will even eat their own young if given the chance. While this might not be the most appetizing meal for us, for cockroaches it’s simply a way of life. So next time you see a cockroach scurrying around, just know that there’s a good chance it’s looking for its next meal.


  • Are cockroaches attracted to dead cockroaches?

    Do cockroaches that are dead draw in more cockroaches? Absolutely, they do! When a cockroach dies, oleic acid is released. This smells strong, drawing additional cockroaches in the process.

  • Do roaches warn each other?

    Pheromones, which cockroaches use to communicate, enable them to convey a range of intentions, messages, and recommendations. They can alert others to impending danger, recommend healthy food sources, promote mating, and entice other roaches to a suitable refuge.

  • What purpose do cockroaches serve?

    Cockroaches eat nearby wood, leaf litter, and organic debris that have decayed. In addition to aiding in the “clean up” of decaying plant matter, they also capture a significant amount of atmospheric nitrogen with their bodies. Cockroaches in this situation are mostly used for cleaning.